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Global Warming Climate Change Disaster ?

Just MY Opinion ! . . . comments and debate are welcome Premature! the "Cause & Effect" is just not established Exaggerated "Doom and Gloom" has been moderated by the IPCC to an estimated 2 to 3 degrees C per century at worst far less than original scare campaigns by the IPCC, Al Gore, Tim Flannery and the "establshment" consensus Temperature Increase precedes CO2 levels The experts now "waffle" about feedback sensitivity . . . IPCC and cohorts are always trying to rationalise their hype/hopes preformed conclusions and to satisfy obvious ulterior motives Claims :

  • "Anthropogenic" CO2 is the cause of Global Warming" . . . Wrong ! at worst it is now estimated to be 15% at worst the rest being natural. Increase in CO2 generally bears NO correlation whatsoever with "Global Warming" . . . now "demodulated" into Climate Change . . . undeniably this has been happening for "millenia" . .. in Melbourne it's renowned for occuring "4 times a day"

  • the Oceans are in fact a sink for CO2 and Oceanlong term cyclic warming/cooling is real and obviously a main contributor to any atmospheric warming "a la" El Nino La Ninja etc themselves of significant "decadal" variability Other possibilities . . . aerosols, sunspots, cosmic rays albeit somewhat asymmetrical effect but ALL additive as to medium > long term uncertainty as to Climate "effects" Climate predictions are in fact No better than trying to pick winners of horse races based on similar computer modelling of past events !

  • computer modelling is not reliable and proven to give false predictions too many factors and "unknowns" and assumption are being made Effect of water vapor in the air is "too difficult" for the IPCC . . . so water is ignored in ALL models Water (rainfall/humidity) is by far the main variable . . . re Global Warming . . . with all sorts of "hocus pocus" about positive and negative "feedbacks" and "sensitivity" factors

IPCC even NASA have been accused of "fudging "experimental data re Medieval Ice Age / Maunder Warming etc

  • Even if it IS still controversial ( AND IT IS NOT!) it is hardly justifiable Australia and the World wasting Billions of Dollars in non-consequential "solutions to non events" Now estimated to cost the World 100 Trillion Dollars over the next 100 years IF GW is true OR of ANY real significance

  • Australia's contribution . . . Limiting CO2 emissions/Carbon Trading "Schemes"

  • implementing drastic banning of coals, (and In Victoria) onshore banning of any form of Gas Exploration or development next to be Gas)

  • closing of Conventional low Cost Energy plants and

  • subsidized Wind Farms and Solar Energy both proven to be highly costly, inefficient and NOT yet being capable of supplying a fraction of Energy Needs AND with NO Base Load Capability

AND never will be without low cost efficient and viable battery back-up storage Zinc/Bromide being a possible but decades away and being "screwed" by commercial interest/patents and exploitation

  • There has been NO Increase ( within reasonable experimental error / uncertainty) in Atmospheric temperatures in the last ~18+years

  • It is estimated ALL this aimed at reducing Global Warming by 0.016deg C . . . what crap it ALL is !

  • Australias' impact is absolutely negligible on the World scene in contrast to UN sanctioned CO2 increase allow China/India for example over coming decade(s)

  • at Enormous cost and the potential economic destruction of "economies

  • the 'hyperbole" by the "Greenies" has even extended to turning Australia into "Vegans" and stoppling cattle ( humans presumably !) from "farting" - exaggerating the benefit of renewables ( solar and wind ) - now largely disproven viability of "battery storage" technology, electric cars, H2 fuel technology in an futile attempt to curb what is Global Warming being caused by humans . . . as being of any real significance in any global or historical perspective

  • Not only do some of the "pundits", media, "pollies" etc confuse "Carbon" ( "soot" from smokestacks and technically an easily solvable issue ) with CO2

  • the contribution from rice growing "( a huge source of methane another controversial Greenhouse gas ?

bushfires and "controlled" agricultural burning / deforestation are all but conveniently ignored "Science" in fact has been largely "hijacked" and exploited by the "gullible", many scientists themselves have been blackmailed and pressurised into submission to for the so-called "consensus"

  • . . . now a few of these "illiterates" are even calling the "cause" CO (Carbon Monoxide ) WHAT CRAP !

Just because "technology" has perfected the means to measure things via instrumentation, satellites etc and garbage info spread instantly Worldwide via the Internet doesn't mean the data ensuing really means anything sensible !

"Fake News and even "fake science" only exacerbates the problem !

it depends on interpretation "with an ounce on common sense" evolving theories to suit the facts

. . . the problem is when the facts are distorted completely out of perspective and misinterpreted / exploited by "idiots" or "vested interests"

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