re my thoughts on Nuclear Energy
Nuclear Energy
Unfortuneately over decades the benefits of Nuclear Energy has been hijacked
by the race for armaments and the need for "dirty" weapons Energy by Defence Industries
funding for commercial interests in the quest for "alternative" perhaps in hindsight misguided energy sources despite highly promising nuclear technologies have been stifled
research into portable <1 MegWatt for ships eg submarines, aircraft carriers has been perfected for decades now and even prototypes for aeroplanes and even trucks and cars needless are technically proven or feasible. Needless to say miniature reactors for Space research purposes are well established.
ALL thwarted what in hindsight appears to be over-regulation and bureaucrats obfuscation
The vested commercial aspects of exploiting what has been and still is an over-abundance of fossil fuels, oil, natural gas, shale gas etc
The safety aspects of Nuclear has demonstratably and in hindsight proven to be non-significant with reasonable engineering design. Apart from a few stupid incidents like Chernobyl, 3-Mile Island, Fukushima etc all of which could easily have been avoided at the time with common sense initial planning and operational correctness. There has been relatively few actual deaths caused by these compared to any other industry on Earth, including, Mining, motor vehicles, conventional energy industries like electricity, chemical industry or even motor vehicles
Economics of nuclear whilst currently marginal are simply a matter of mass introduction and economy of scale. Ther are few tecyhnical difficulties in even improving on existing nuclear techology with the right emphasis towards optimising nuclear for energy creation eg LFTR mentioned elsewhere as just one possibility and this was virtually cancelled by the alterior motivation
Admittedly control and regulation is still required to wisely consider siting issues and proper implementation
THAT IS the real Problem !
Who would trust Governments OR the UN for example to actually do this !
The cost benefit analysis has been completely distorted by vested interests
The same amount of investment made in these but put into Nuclear would have solved our so-called "Energy crisis" forever or at least into any forsee-able future
Fusion Power was / is well and truly advanced thwarted since the 1980s
The investment in such infantile technologies as solar, wind geothermal , and hydro whilst commendable can no longer be justified.
The "hoax" of CO2/Climate Change and denigration of coal exploited to the limit by the IPPC will go down in History as the greatest exploitation saga akin to the "Tulip" Bubbly"/ South Pacific "bubble " of the 17th century and the more recent 2000 Millenia "bug" being a few examples
The main driving factor . . . ?
The Internet > similar strategies are now being exploited to the hilt
by the" smart-arse" power/money "grubbers"
Instead of a more localised gullible populace NOW the same is spread WorldWide instantly by the Web and such "scumbags"for their quest for monetary and World domination
But all attempts seem to be directed to "dumbing down" people by Governments via the media using diversionary tactics like "scaremongering" artificially created "scare" campaigns like the GFC, the Banking crisis really indirectly "sponsored" by Governments
Anyway . . . YOU get the idea! . . . and I know this has some sort of "consensus" out there
But I am really more interested in the nature of "blogs" and attracting some sort of commonsense dialog . . . perhaps with the ultimate aim of "weeding out" some of the "crap" associated with the rise of the Internet and its misuse.
I don't really think that's the agenda or mindset of the likes of Gates, Bezos, Musk, Zuckerberg perhaps Buffet and the financial "moguls" of Wall Street / London etc
Then even mor thought provoking
Is there really a real need for even more technological development
Civilisation for all has "plateaued out"
Space exploration - has progress so fa there is little left to do except colonising the Moon, Mars . . . but beyond that . . .
the "unsolvable "genetic code was acheived for all intents and purposes within a decade when the motivation and required and relatively miniscule funding was applied.
In less than a century we have progressed from the horse and buggy era thru the aero industry to the possibility of space travel for the tourist
The real issue of "booming population "crisis" whist still dominant has at least been stemmed by agricultural genetics and the realisation there is a real need for improving the lot of developing nations and widespread poverty issues remaining
even the controlling effect of "war" is downgraded by the fact and realisation by the many Nuclear Powers of the threat nuclear "Ammageddon"
Arguably perhaps the scientific R&D community to a large extent has been "bought" off by the more political agenda of Global Warming" etc and diverted wholly for financial reason by being usurped solely for the financial benefit of the likes of Defence industries, Boeing for example Proper diversion of funding to building appropriate infrastructure ( at least in Australia, Water resources, yes nuclear industry perhaps high speed transportation/rail projects
The invented pollution crisis of anthropogenic CO2 can be downplayed as being of academic interest Onlyat least in the shott term (millenia)
It has been deemed scientsists have been left with nothing else to do but to get absorbed by what us turning out to be a "trillion Dollar scam" and a mere porn of bureaucrats and the politics of vested interest group thinking
blah blah . . . to be continued in the interest of "blogging" . . . ad finitum